Life and Training as One by Carson Mack

Consistency is the key to success.
Consistency over intensity creates longevity.
Show up for people (yourself) consistently and they will trust you (good
things will happen).
Be aware of why you do, what you do. Self-awareness.
Do or act with purposeful and intentional action.
Understand your actions through self-awareness.
Physical resilience feeds mental resilience.
Persevering through physical challenges begets mental fortitude.
Finding the similarities in these two different realms is an undervalued skill.
Progress should be the goal, not perfection.
Don’t try to be perfect, simply see if you are progressing in the desired
direction. If not, reevaluate your actions.
When in doubt, just start. The rest will figure itself out (you will figure the rest out as you go).
We may not always know how to get somewhere, but we’ll never get there if
we don’t start.
Motivation often arrives after action has been initiated.
If you don’t know where to start, either ask someone who has done it, or try
anything different than what you are currently doing.
Clarify your meaning, intention, and purpose as soon as possible.
The pieces tend to fall into place once you’ve figured these out.
Additional notes for physical and mental attunement:
I train people on the basis of holistic, intentional, finessed movement. I envision
everyone, who works with me, to increase his or her mobility, skill, and strength.
I affirm for my clients to reach a deeper understanding of training to include:
*Awareness of the mental training integral to physical training.
*Building mental fortitude through consistently showing up and accepting
the physical challenges I set for them, and they set for themselves.
*Doing exercises and skills they never thought they could do, pushing past
fears, doubts, and negative thoughts.
*Taking ownership of movements and understanding the why behind what
they are doing, as opposed to mindlessly moving through exercises.
*Willingness to endure the physical demand of training speaks volumes to
one’s potential to endure the mental demands of everyday life.
“A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein and will continue to produce their kind.”
--James Allen