Guest Connections

May you appreciate the wellspring of stories, discoveries, journeys, lessons, transformations, and inspirations, each of these individuals have lived. It is edifying for each of us to realize we share a commonality with all beings, whether we agree or disagree, like or dislike, embrace or resist, exalt or criticize. Age, gender, role, position, profession, reputation matter not. What matters is who you are. As we each have our individual life directions, we will undergo a myriad of life experiences. These life experiences will move us forward on our paths to glean from a diversity of lessons and interactions. Thus, we realize our uniqueness, purpose, and contribution. 

May you open, listen, receive, and allow the relevance of an individual’s sharing to unfold a clearing for you. 

Featured Interviews


Robert Chesnosky


Romayne Wheeler

Romayne Wheeler


Life and Fly Fishing with Mike Pease

Mike Pease Sacramento Outdoor Adventures


Sustainable Gardening with Matt Drewno
Vice President Ecology in Action, Founder of Victory Gardens for Peace Initiative

 Matt Drewno

Perennial Warmth of Heart as ageless Mother of Wisdom, Light, and Love
Conscious Parenting with Janna Hill
The Power of Words with Kevin Hall
Author, Inspired Speaker and Connector


Previous Interviews

Yvonne Lemus Bosu Investor
Angel Investor, Philanthropic Activist, Executive Counselor & Connector
Giota Vorgia Naturalist Fine Art Painter
Visionary Artist, Naturalist Fine Art Painter, Healer, Heart Full Connector

Carson Mack Fitness TrainerCarson Mack
Professional Trainer, Aspiring Life Student, Welcoming Presence


Lance SchiffmanLance Schiffman
Serial Entrepreneur, Inspired Messenger and Connector


Shantel McBrideShantel McBride
Hospice Practitioner, Ebullient Contribution on boundless life fronts


Michelle Hazelton Basket Weaving ArtistMichelle Hazelton
Handcrafts Mastery, Sustainability Practitioner, and Life Discovery