Ambient Music

Music is the honey of the Gods and stimulates the opportunity to immerse oneself in an alternative reality.  It may range from awakening, mystifying, transforming to dancing, celebrating, quieting, and listening.


 Dream Of The Dolphin Enigma

The Dream of the Dolphin
By: Enigma 

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Quieting, releasing, listening, to receive a momentary sojourn of sweet peace and bliss. The message within is for your Wonder, understanding is of the heart, and leave the mind behind.


Memories Ryan Stewart Solo Piano

By: Ryan Stewart

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Gentle steps forward with no worry, no matter, only sweet ease, and peace awaiting. The music embraces and journeys into a timeless dimension of expanse and beauty, while a splendor of inspiration and grace unfold. Be with the moment, allow it to unfold in one continuum with gentle release of any
memories. This is your time to be.


Jordan Critz Kingdom

Fathers Land
By: Jordan Critz 

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Yes….yes…..yes, as you receive this musical interlude with no expectation, and the musical journey paces soothingly forward. Dimensions awaken for indulging the sweet fruits of surrender this music allows. Gently off to an interstellar musical cruising with no care, no worry, no time, only the gift of an ever-resplendent series of musical cascades to open the door for appreciating the Moment.


Kansas Dust In The Wind

Dust In The Wind
By: Kansas

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Sobering and softening is the reality of life experience captured in this forthright appraisal of our destiny, regardless of our best-laid plans and aspirations. Whatever meaning we ascribe to life, live your life privilege fully. Know that whatever you accomplish, produce, develop, or embrace, will all eventually be tomorrow's experience and someone else's memory. 

What is inherently left is who we are and who are you choosing to be? This song is a reminder for us to give heartfelt thanks for the ephemeral moments life generously delivers.


The Piano Guys The Greatest Showman

A Million Dreams
By: The Piano Guys 

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Scintillating, resounding, sparkling piano like a babbling stream, awakening one to the possibility of dynamic connection. The imagination may unfurl with the uplifting and humble power of an unbridled musical journey to the edge of the earth and beyond the sky. May you dance, move, flow in whatever manner to gladden your heart. Allow yourself to be carried by wondrous sound, stars beaming, and drink the nectar of resplendent music that awaits a listening ear and an open heart.

Bliss Kissing

Kissing (Instrumental)
By: Bliss

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On the road to nowhere and anywhere, it matters not. Time to coast, dream, appreciate, and breathe with ease. No care, no worries, the road opens unfolds to a boundless horizon, and all is well.

Aaaaaah yes! Just when you think it ends,
the grace of this musical caress continues forward, and peace is your partner.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Somewhere Over The Rainbow 
By: Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole

Never mind whatever mood of distress in which you may be momentarily hindered, as soon as this timeless song unfolds, the only attitude worthy to entertain is one of open heart, appreciative spirit, and gentle flow.  The physically challenged, yet inspired artist, Bruddah IZ, a Hawaiian sovereignty activist, died at 38 of obesity complications.  Yet his music reflects an ageless optimism to thrive interminably for our blessed listening.  IZ affirms Life is just simply a privilege and sparkle of joy to warm our hearts, release all that restrains us, allow one’s spirit to soar, step out and dance in the momentary joy.

What else is really of import--No mind, no matter, we are reminded of the eternal Now, which is behind and within our whole life story.   

Thank you, dear Spirit, for the gift of the lift of the curtain of our own making, so we may embrace another privileged moment of sweet eternal Now.

Chilled Cream Blank and Jones

Chilled Cream 
By: Blank and Jones

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Sit down in your steadfast kayak, gently paddle in the smooth sheen of the mountain lake, as the sun softly rises on the horizon of your awakening mind, stirring heart, and welcoming presence.  Allow this musical journey to unfold without expectation, only gentle receptivity, as you relax into a flow of journey to any horizon you choose or none at all, as your mind quiets, your body eases, and your spirit opens.

Close your eyes or open them to the beauty all about you, breath consciously, listen attentively, and release wholly.



Expression by Helen Jane Long Amazon Download

By: Helen Jane Long

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The piano lilts gently and perennially, as an expansive meadow of Possibility opens to behold a myriad of flowers, colors, multiple life sounds, and a resplendent sparkle of sunshine adorning this stage of vibrant life force.  As the lightness of piano keys moves with grace, ease, and flow, so do you without having to go anywhere.  Release, receive, and enjoy!


Don't Worry Be Happy by Bob McFerrin

Don't Worry Be Happy 
By: Bobby McFerrin

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This song is a mantra as fresh today, as it was when Bobby released it in 1988.  Indian mystic, Meyer Baba (1864-1969) initiated this affirmation and expressed it  as integral to the spiritual practice of living life for the Moment--Here & Now, which is all we really have for this privilege of life experience.


The Earth Prelude Ludovico Einaudi

The Earth Prelude
By: Ludovico Einaudi 

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Ludovico Einaudi is an exquisite Italian pianist and composer. He was originally trained as a classical pianist, and yet his indomitable creative spirit opened to a magical blend of rock, pop, folk, and world music. His musical expression exhibits a distinctive heart rendering delivery of piano as the guiding light for each piece of music. He has a wondrous knack for awakening the emotions and quieting the mind, while the moment of melody is timeless.

As I was blessed to attune to his artistry through the magic of Pandora’s sensitivity to my ever-evolving tastes, I have been awakened to the flow of his artistry. For one's listening experience, Ludovico’s music often seems to be connected to the angelic realm, and it draws undistracted listening for your peace and inspiration.


M83 Outro

By: M83

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"Outro" is defined as a concluding section of a piece of music. Yet, when you listen to this musical creation, the mood and momentum of this piece delivers the opportunity of a dynamic feeling of liftoff, a most wonderful way to rise to a new day, regardless of what time of day it is. May all disconcerting thoughts and feelings fall away, as you allow the inspiration of this musical ensemble of unhindered aspiration reach for heights of unlimited Possibility.


The Moody Blues Never Comes The Day

Never Comes The Day
By: The Moody Blues from "On The Threshold Of A Dream" 

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The Moody Blues were a prominent vanguard of our spiritual possibility in the 60’s. Much of their music speaks to various levels of self-awareness and realization, while remembering the Heart is our Guiding Light and Saving Grace. This song speaks to the madness of distraction and alienation of the worldly ‘rat race’ so many of us have suffered, and most especially how we miss out on connecting with our inner selves and/or our partner’s. Yet, when we choose to drop our guards, our deluded and resistant habits, we are gifted with a precious moment of sweet revelation and accompanying joy. This song so gently speaks to us to stop, look, listen, and allow the depth of who we are to take the stage.


Let It Be The Beatles

Let It Be
By: The Beatles

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We may all remember this iconic tribute to Freedom until our end point for life transitions, and it may indeed be a perfect accompaniment to assist us to step to the other side. This is indubitably classic rock with such a simple, yet ever-so-profound message, for each of us and all of us. When we forget and allow ourselves to slip into the abyss of mindless and destructive thought(s), may we remember our home base of inner being, which understands the way ‘through’ rather than ‘up against, ‘and peace once again reigns.


Antlers Lights and Motion Amazon Music

By: Lights and Motion 

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Time for an enticing journey through the expansive hinterlands of wide-open abandon and beauty.  As the crescendo expands, see yourself atop a mountain embracing the Wonder and impeccable Privilege of this life experience!  Indubitably, a precious moment unfolds to quietly reflect, listen, to be at-one-ment. Once again the momentum of vitality-infused energy wells up with its welcoming vibration of All Possibility, and we have the Joy to meld limitlessly with the ever-expansive meadows of life.  How so worth it, as the music celebrates this gift.



Pachelbel in D Major Variations on a theme by Robin Meloy Goldsby

Pachelbel in D Major: Variations on a Theme
By: Robin Meloy Goldsby 

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This timeless music is forever a classical piece so prominently given to us by an ever-flowing piano's gently lilting sound through the ethers of infinite time and space.  As the same refrain is seemingly played timelessly , each one is a unique and musically caressing moment of flow for spirit, mind, and body. The simplicity of this musical interlude unveils an extensive sweetness of listening for the peace of one's soul.


Deep Waters Tony Anderson

Deep Waters
By: Tony Anderson

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“Deep Waters” delivers a musical journey, which honors the depth and limitless horizons of your mind, emotions, and heart. Repose yourself in an extended moment of quietude, releasing, and opening to the depths of wonder and joy you truly are, as well as the wondrousness of our precious world. This musical journey delivers another gentle reality for your immersion. Let go, let flow, and know all is well--as you allow a precious moment to partner with this musical sojourn.


Summer Suite Jordan Critz

Summer Suite
By: Jordan Critz

“Summer Suite” is a launching pad of musical enervation to commence your daily walk, bicycle, drive, or momentum of your choice. This electrifying creation of musical joy calls for a bounce in your step forward to greet the miracle and privilege of a new day! This orchestra of musical gladness emanates unequivocally for the salutation of life. “Carpe Diem!”


Farm Song East Forrest

Farm Song
By: East Forest

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Journey ever-so gently with East Forest, as they share a myriad of harmonic sounds designed to quiet your mind, stir your heart, and soothe your body. Venture forth into a deeply rich forest of soundscape to melt any resistance, conflict, concern you may be holding. As you relax and release, may you appreciate the sweetness of peace this inspired music awakens.


The Light Will Come by Omar Akram

The Light Will Come
By Omar Akram

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A journey unfolds ever-so gently, peacefully, caressingly. As this musical path unfolds, your future may reflect a precious succession of unmatchable heavenly moments, as you choose to allow the flow. This exquisite musical piece delivers the opportunity to trust, open, allow, and behold all that is preciously pleasing in your life to honor and revere. May this piano passage be a momentary guiding light of resplendent light and gratitude.

So, it is—the ever-present light within each of us awaits our initiative to turn on the switch and allow its sweetness and illumination to enliven limitless possibilities for engaging the myriad of gifts of life.

The composer of this dreamscape touches the piano keys with a lightness, finesse, and sparkling creativity to unleash a bounty of magic to titillate our auditory sense as another passageway to an open heart.  The unfolding of this musical journey is your opportunity to surrender, and marvel.  

Best of Emerson Lake and Palmer

Lucky Man
By Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

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Ohhhh Lucky Man, who seemingly has it all, in the past he exemplifies. The first three collection of verses manifest the epitome of a perfect outer world. Yet, as the story unfolds, will all continue to be richly well? After all, he is a lucky man. Yet luck does not always determine positive expectations fulfilled for any of us, as you see what happens to the “lucky man.” Does this story reflect the tenor of our own lives? Are we nurturing an inner world to better result in an outer world with so many more blessings, including connection with others? This morsel of musical mystery is worthy of your sensitivity and potential heart touch. 


Glow by Lights and Motion

By Lights and Motion

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Standing on the edge of a wide-open green space, the sun is rising, awakening Mother Nature’s splendor of sparkling life force, vibrancy of color, vital glow, and gentle movement.

May you appreciatively be receptive to the stillness of the moment, and open to the inimitable flow of glow as the day brightens and delivers its glory with subtle profundity.   Gratitude is endemic to this remarkable space in timelessness, and once again one is reminded of the sweet privilege of life.


Love Is Rare Tom Day Moonsiren

Love Is Rare
By Tom Day & Moonsiren

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This music evolves from a blissful space of quietude to gently and gracefully open into an alluring song for sweetness, depth, and heights of love with its all-embracing magic. Lean in, close your eyes, and allow your skiff on an exquisitely picturesque pond to float so very quietly. May your presence be momentarily lifted to receive a touch of enfolding grace. Breathe ever-so-deeply as you heartfully appreciate the precious gift of your life’s privilege. This music is a special meditation of touching beauty. Just open and release the latch of your mind. 




at the top of this hill by message to bears

At The Top of This Hill
By Message to Bears

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May you savor an easeful, dreamy walk through the park, and receive the lilting sounds of children expressing with abandon the joy, treasure, and spontaneity of life.  Such a peaceful and smiling journey this acoustic medley delivers.  Release any cares, concerns, and mundane distractions.  Allow yourself a mischievous, spirited hop, skip, and jump, as you immerse your awareness in the radiant magic of the moment.


Here Comes The Sun The Beatles Download

Here Comes The Sun
By The Beatles

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How can you possibly remain in a mood of gloom and distress, when this ageless affirmation for the uplifting light of our Sun shows up on the sound stage of your music source? The Sun brightens, lightens, and sustains all of our wondrous life! As this song welcomes all of us, permission inherently unfolds to release all troubles, stand ready, arms outstretched to receive the limitless bounty of life! May this salute to the Sun always be a classic.




Coldplay Song Meaning

O "Fly On"
By Coldplay

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Coldplay is a world renown rock group, and they are so, because they continue to compose and deliver a rich array of uniquely creative, reflective, melodious songs such as “O.” This musical journey unfolds a quieting, caressing, simple, upliftingly gentle spread of music. This respite from the hectic pace of the day inherently quiets the presence, unfolds the listening, softens the heart, and awakens a precious ease of mind. May you enjoy the sweet respite.


Watching the Storm by U137

Watching the Storm
By U137

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As you step out the front door to welcome this musical voyage, leave the concerns, worries, distractions of the day behind, unlock the latch of your protective veil, open to new possibilities, trust, and receive the treasure of your own imagination. Breathe, be still, and appreciate, as the music floats your receptive mind and open heart through the flowing waters of a perennial succession of moments. Any and all wonderful blessings await you, as you flow with abandon of concern and fullness of trust. Such a treasure to take this timeless journey in between the bustling chapters of life.