Genshai Heart Points

Here you will find New Genshai Spirit Practices will unfold as the website unfolds. You will find practices to enrich your journey in the mastery of living in Genshai. Try any of the practices below that resonate with you and let us know how it goes for you! :) 

"We don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we see ourselves."
                                                                                    --An Enlightened Soul

Genshai Heart Point #1 - Heart Open

Genshai Heart Open

May you allow a daily practice of acknowledgement to effortlessly remind another human being of the personal value one naturally imbues and has the opportunity to share.

Everyday, you honor someone with a smile, a compliment, an acknowledgement, a warm hand, a gracious thank you, you make a difference.  As you treat another being with grace, respect, and acceptance, you contribute to the elevation of the human spirit, our planet, as  well as your own unique presence.


Genshai Heart Point #2 - Awaken

Genshai Awaken

Too often we wake up to the world and asleep to ourselves.  Consider the self-care of awakening to a prayer of affirmation and gratitude, regardless if you initially believe it.  No matter, you are setting the intention You matter!  Allow for the Possibility you have a Contribution to be and manifest each and every day.  As you honor yourself with any type of morning ritual, be it a prayer, an affirmation, a conscious breath, care for your body, a gratitude, a moment of quietude, you are lighting your fire of initiative to step forward with positivity, openness, and trust.  You are primed to formidably and respectfully make a difference for someone else, as you have just done for yourself.

Genshai Heart Point #3 - Release

Genshai Release

We experience a difference with someone.  The other party is seemingly wrong, as we are seemingly right.  Consider we may be unconsciously disregarding each other’s perspective in order to be ‘right.”  In that moment we are casting the other party, as “less than us,”  rather than accepting we are equal beings, who have just shared two sides of the same coin.  We may actually be able to learn from each other, as well as clarify our own point of view, regardless of who is right.  Our willingness to be self-aware opens the door of opportunity to mutually step up and express respect for the other’s perspective, ask a question, share an answer, acknowledge commonality, regardless of seeming differences.  

Yes, releasing our attachment to being right is sometimes difficult and unsettling.  Yet the freedom of detachment reminds us of who we are as self-aware beings, who honor the distinct value each of us represents.


Genshai Heart Point #4 - Worthy of Love

Genshai Love

We all have a fallible side, which we often do not want to recognize and usually have nothing positive to express about it. Yet, we are Whole beings who have and will succeed and fail many times, reflective of the choices we make reactively, responsively, or proactively. When our dark, temperamental, impatient, judgmental, blameful, demanding side seems to take the lead, consider the actuality we are worthy of love anyway, as is a child who has a tantrum or rebels.

As long as we are willing to be self-aware and forgiving of our mistakes, foibles, and faults, and we choose to learn from the momentary discomfort and distress, inherent growth, renewal, balance, intention, and care are available to tap once again. Most significantly, we may again choose to love ourselves with renewed strength and reverence. We may also choose to love others anew, as they are reflections of ourselves, and we are all on path to self-realization and fulfillment.


Genshai Heart Point #5 - Be The Difference

Genshai Be The Difference

You are a wondrous Blessing who is born to be and deliver a unique difference. Never discount your value as a human being. You have been given the privilege to grace this beloved planet. The journey is often not easy; yet the challenges, struggles, and setbacks are integral to one’s development as an unrepeatable Contribution. Each of us is given the opportunity of this life journey to discover our individualized mission and live it willingly and fully. 

As we do so, an inherent respect for self unfolds, because we are able to realize an evolving success, strength, and confidence of integrated self. As we more clearly accept and understand ourselves, we inherently can have a more appreciative assent of our fellow human beings to connect with them as equals, regardless of position, wealth, ethnicity, religion, or belief system. In doing so, we are open to deliver the Gift with which we are imbued, make a difference, and be a contribution.  Treating ourselves or anyone small just becomes untenable. As we discover the bounty of our life journey, how can we consider ourselves or anyone less than a worthy blessing to be honored?


Genshai Heart Point #6 - New Dawn

Genshai Heart Point New Dawn

Periodically, I return to Peet’s Coffee in the afternoon to secure a re-fill of the morning purchase. I make a point to greet the service crew when I pick up my order. However, I usually have a seemingly dismissive experience with one service rep, whom I continue to acknowledge, regardless of his lack of welcome. One day I ordered an afternoon latte, said barista was in charge of brewing my favorite coffee. My initial silent reaction was one of disappointment, as my devious little mind questioned the potential quality of drink to be received. Yet, when I partook of my first sip of drink in the car, I was remarkably surprised, while tastebuds were
deliciously stimulated.

Next time I visited, it was incumbent upon me to address this service representative by name. I unhesitatingly expressed warm appreciation for the tasty distinctiveness of his latte. Lo and behold, he favorably responded to my compliment. In that moment, I realized the heartwarming value of taking a renewed step to move through a veil of mutual resistance, and both our beings were lightened for a blessed moment.

Lesson? Rise above one’s judgement to respect another, as a fellow human being worthy of the journey for self-realization, just as I am. We all come along at our own pace, and each of us can be a Lightpost for another. Welcome the personal responsibility to share your Light, give thanks, and trust the outcome of a New Dawn for you and anyone you encounter!


Genshai Heart Point #7 - Gratitude

Genshai Heart Point 7 Gratitude

'Thank you' — all healing words of caring acknowledgement. When you speak these two sacred words, in the moment, nothing else can demand your attention. All is forgiven, all is possible, new opportunity awaits you and your willingness to step forward into the next moment of life. Any negative, uncomfortable, distraught thoughts melt away, and liberation reigns! 

Our mind is not able to hold onto two thoughts at the same time. So, what do you choose—a thought of stressful displeasure or one of gracious gratitude. With our gratitude, we life ourselves each time and anyone else who is open to the blessing. The more we practice gratefulness, regardless of an upset, we see and feel reason for being. We also experience joy for the privilege of life's bounty. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Genshai Heart Point #8 - Breathe


Everyday, we have a constant companion, who is our lifeblood. Without our attention it blesses us with ongoing lifeforce. With our attention, it is a dependable partner for us to live life as engaged and vibrant human beings. How we so blindly take it for granted, and yet without it, we have no more privilege to live on this wondrous planet.

To give our breath the attention it deserves is about making a conscious choice to respect its presence and gift. It is a bearer of our privilege to live this life, as it ensures we are vitalized for living with resolute intention, embracing heart, focused mind, and unwavering presence of whole being.

As you evolve in your consciousness of breath, a concurrent sensitivity of self-awareness unfolds, which inherently enhances our sensitivity for others. Thus, everyday is an opportunity to remember all of us deserve our respect and support as fellow human beings on path to realize our divine wholeness.