How To Be Genshai
“Treat no one in a manner that would make them feel small, including yourself.”
Life never gets old, if we choose to be open and receive the limitless bounty of everyday’s possibilities and opportunities for living consciously and caringly.
To be Genshai is to see, look, listen, trust, and give for yourself and others. We are all integral contributions for the well-being of all of us. We are also integral to caring for our ourselves, as spiritual beings with a physical body, integrated to creating a Whole that is greater then the sum of its parts.
G “Giving” heartfully
E “Engaging”and Uplifting anyone and all beings
N “Now” and “Here” is all there is
S “Sacred” is this privilege of life
H “Honoring” yourself and others
A “Aligning” with Spirit
I “Inspiring” lighting our way, uplifting our day
We are all in this life unfolding together.